HTML Accessibility

What ARIA still does not do

The good people of Dunnington gather around their communal tele-visual apparatus to learn of HTML usability blights from a young Dr Swallow. In 2014 I wrote an article What ARIA does not do It stated: ARIA is a set of attributes that can be added to HTML elements (and other markup languages) to communicate accessibility role, state, name […]

HTML Accessibility

Peaky WCAG (Level AA) BANG for your APP A11Y BUCK

Self portrait of Peak WCAG Trash Panda Patrick Lauke Does WCAG 2.2 Level AA apply to Native apps? yes, mostly How/where it (non-normatively) applies is detailed in Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT) Below is what I think is the pertinent information for Level AA criteria in an abbreviated form, which […]

CSS Accessibility HTML Accessibility

WCAG (Level A) BANG for your APP A11Y BUCK

Image source Updated 10 July 2024 Does WCAG 2.2 Level A apply to Native apps? yes, mostly How/where it (non-normatively) applies is detailed in Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT) Below is what I think is the pertinent information for Level A criteria in an abbreviated form, which is […]

HTML Accessibility

a11y juice – phone it in edition

Street art by Dotmaster Owned control You ever get the feeling that some big corporations want you to abandon the open web, in favour of the walled gardens of their apps? One method they use to get your asses under their control is to constantly tempt you with FOMO (fear of missing out): You ain’t […]

HTML Accessibility

Doing my heading in

Interviewed by Mat Marquis Earlier in 2024 I was approached by Mat Marquis to answer some questions on HTML headings. At the time I was only vaguely aware that the interview would become part of a printed Zine (pleasant surprise face), published by Mat with profits going to support Trans Lifeline. So waste no time […]

HTML Accessibility


AI can help by providing mostly accurate descriptions of images on web pages. This can be especially helpful when the image has not been provided with a text alternative, but is visible on the page. For example it is marked up with an empty alt no alt or aria-hidden=true or role=presentation A problem is that […]

HTML Accessibility

Not so short note on aria-label usage – Big Table Edition

Updated: 22 May 2024 aria-label is one of a number of secondary methods to label native HTML UI elements. It works particularly well on interactive elements, it also works well on most block level elements old skool term that have explicitly or implicitly defined structural roles. It works less well or not at all on […]

HTML Accessibility

Stranger in Acce$$ibilityland

I learned that Accessibility Ant is not what I thought it was CSUN conference is a pilgrimage, a place where the people of disability, accessibility and the #a11yIndustry meet to talk lived reality, push abstracted accessibility solutions and products. I have been attending CSUN regularly since 2007. This year was the first time I traveled […]

HTML Accessibility

accessibility darkness

Took a journey into the heart of the #a11y industrial complex last night while browsing the interwebs on my phone. Started on X which is fitting. Followed a link to an Open Letter about intransigence of current world leaders to deal with the coming climate bomb among other issues. The Elders, Future of Life Institute […]

HTML Accessibility

When it says ‘name from Author’ it means from you, not Boll or Bukowski

Which ARIA roles require an accessible name? There is a list in the ARIA spec that details Roles Supporting Name from Author and which of these require an accessible name: note: I have removed the roles that don’t require a name: alertdialog name required – use aria-label or aria-labelledby #name from aria-label <div role=”alertdialog” aria-label=”imminent […]